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: to engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one’s breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual a wareness.(b)the act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed:

963Hz (Crown) Awaken Your Third Eye

852Hz (Brow) Awakens Intuition

741Hz (Throat) Cleanse, Purify, Resolve

639Hz (Heart) Connect Relationships

528Hz (Solar Plexus) DNA Repair, Miracles

417Hz (Sacral) Break Habits, Facilitate Change

396Hz (Base) Root Chakra. Release Emotional Patterns

285Hz (Knees) Solfeggio Heals Tissues, Deep Sleep, Well Being

194Hz (Feet) Good Health, Security

Endorphins Release - Binaural Beats

Manifest anything you want

Manifest anything you want (By: - Ray Lewis)

Guided Meditation

Alan Watts - Guided Meditation (Awakening The Mind)

Benefits of Meditation

  • Lowers blood pressure/slows down the cardiovascular system
  • Restores balanced function to the digestive system, aiding
  • absorption of nutrients
  • Relaxes the nervous system
  • Relieves muscle tension
  • Diminishes intensity of headaches/migraines
  • Relieves insomnia
  • Frees the mind from self-doubt and internal chatter
  • Releases fears
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Improves depression
  • Generates optimism, self-esteem, confidence, and motivation.


Here are a few books I’ve read in the past that helped me with my transformation. Reading for me is another form of meditation. It’s food for the soul.

“Why are we ambitious? If we were not, nothing would get done in the world. If we were not ambitious, we would still be driving about in horse carriages. Ambition is another name for progress. Without progress, we would decay, wither away.

— J. Krishnamurti, Total Freedom: The Essential Krishnamurti, ISBN# – 0-06-064880-5

“To be alive is the biggest fear humans have. Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive. Just being our self is the biggest fear of humans. We have learned to live by other people’s points of view because of the fear of not being accepted and of not being good enough for someone else.

— M. Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, ISBN # – 1-878424-31-9

Some Other Great Books

Here are some other books from my library

“The Alchemist” – Paulo Coelho
ISBN # – 978-0-06-112241-5

“The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” – Robin Sharma
ISBN # – 0-00-638512-5

“The Book of Secrets” – Deepak Chopra
ISBN # – 978-1-4000-9834-7

“The Art of War” – Sun-tzu
ISBN # – 0-14-043919-6

“Eat Right For Your Type” – Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo
ISBN # – 978-1-57322-920-3

– J. Baines
ISBN # – 1-882692-01-2

“Silent Power” – S. Wilde
ISBN # – 1-56170-536-5

“Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs” – Linda Goodman
ISBN # – 0-330-23390-4

“The 48 Laws of Power” – R. Greene
ISBN # – 0-14-028019-7

“Fallun Dafa” – Li Hongzhi
ISBN # – 1-58613-102-8

“The Coldest Winter Ever” – Sister Souljah
ISBN # – 0-671-02536-8

“Karate-Do” – Gichin Funakoshi
ISBN # – 0-87011-463-8

“Total Freedom” – J.Krishnamurti
ISBN # – 0-06-064880-5

“Zhuan Falun” – Li Hongzhi
ISBN # – 1-931412-53-7

“The four agreements” – M.Ruiz
ISBN # – 1-878424-319

“Tarot in the spirit of Zen” (The game of life) – Osho
ISBN # – 0-312-31767-0